
To establish A state-of-the-art center of excellence in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga and Allied Alternative System of Medicines in USA, India and other parts of the world.


Establish the following in the state of the art center

  • Research and development laboratory.

  • Educational Institute for running certificate/undergraduate/post graduate and other higher courses.

  • Teacher’s training programs through programs designed by GDPAU in order to generate Human Resources.

  • Integral Therapy Programs for the “Prevention of Diseases”, “Promotion and Preservation of Health”, and “Management of Diseases”.

  • Development of different programs targeted to specific groups for “Managing Stress” and “Stress Induced Disorder”.

  • Develop audio visual products for the aspiring people in maintaining health and managing (alternative /adjunctive) diseases.

  • Develop a website for conducting online programs and courses.

  • Promote Ayurveda for “Prevention of Diseases” and “Promotion of Health.”

  • Promote these systems through seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences every year in India/USA alternatively.

  • Establish an association of traditional experts/master of yoga, Ayurveda and allied disciplines under GDPAU in order to bring “Traditional Learning at Scientific Level”.

  • Promote “Medical Tourism” from USA and European Countries to India by identifying state of the art medical institutions /hospitals in India provided they also offer GDPAU prescribed Training and application of Yoga, Ayurveda and Allied sciences.